Best Free to Play Pay to Win Games

Yes, you heard right. This is the list of Pay to Win (P2W) games which is Free to Play(F2P).

Yes, almost nothing is free in this world. However, free to play games must be a little bit fair against spends more time to the game. Some of them is OK, but most of them gives you only a candy to enjoy with it. You are nothing without you money.

1 - Game of War - Fire Age (Mobile)

1 - Game of War - Fire Age (Mobile)

This is one of the most P2W game around the world. At the beginning, everything is bright and shiny. Everything is easy, it is fast to level up and building is fast, gives you a lot of free premium stuff. And then bam!

Upgrading buildings and other features last days and weeks, someone destroy you in a few seconds by using teleportation, you can't sleep without protection shield which costs money and more.

So, if you buy more, you will live long. If you don't pay for a game, you will quit in a few weeks. That is simple.

To be continued...
