Close Call Tank Drive Through

Close Call Tank Drive Through

I tried this so many times after the first time I saw it. I got blown up each time.

I'll admit it. I've killed those that did this. In the moment I don't to see you as a weak opponent unable to fight but just the enemy that may later get in my way. If I kill you it will lead to a quicker victory. Otherwise you may turn around and kill 3 of my people and then I'd feel foolish letting you live. That and it improves my k/d which is all that matters.

Classic Battlefield moment!

Bf3 still played? I loved that game to death

Well, I meant some areas as in aspects of the game's mechanics as well as map design, this actually applies to BF4 as well. Only BF1 has pretty much ironed out these "issues", which btw I love :)

Game mechanics like the overpowered assault/medic class which has most of the powerful guns... E: Which in itself is already op without taking into account the ability to heal self.

Regarding map design there are a few maps where some areas of are really imbalanced, take the stairs leading to Ticket Hall in Metro for example, that place is sometimes called the "Meat grinder".

I've never seen a tank be finessed so badly.

Still one of the best games out there!

