Successful Nintendo Fridge Magnet

Successful Nintendo Fridge Magnet

Please tell me the screen is dry erase for notes?!

You should've written something before you took the picture.

woah! how did you get into OP's house? and how do you know where OP lives?

How many AA batteries will your fridge eat now?

I'm just gonna do this with my fridge without telling my wife. She's gonna get home from work one day and all the wedding invitations, save the dates, and baby birthday party initiations are gonna be on the side of the fridge to make room for this beauty. Should go well.

Would be cool if the screen was a window into the freezer.

Now you can get smaller Mario, Pokemon, and Grand theft auto magnets and set a game up on the screen.

This looks awesome. Just so you know you can remove that frigidaire emblem pretty easily if you want . It's just stuck on there with double sided tape. Source, I've worked on refrigerators for years.