My Tamagotchi Forever Hatching in 2018 Mobile

The 90's famous virtual pet, Tamagotchi, is coming out in 2018 as a mobile game for Android and iOS.
My Tamagotchi Forever Hatching in 2018 Mobile
Those who lived as children between the 90s and the early 2000s probably know quite well what Tamagotchi is. This product, which was put on the market as a "virtual doll" in our country, is a game console and a game in which Bandai Namco continues to the market. In this virtual pets-feeding game, we were doing tasks such as eating, washing and restoring the toilet needs of our virtual baby.

My Tamagotchi Forever Hatching in 2018 Mobile

In the past days, the game / console, which was put on the special re-market for the 20th anniversary of Tamagotchi's debut, is now preparing to come to the Android and iOS operating systems as "My Tamagotchi Forever" Again, as we know we will care for a virtual baby game, we will also be able to take our virtual baby at "Tamatown" and take photographs with him at the same time.

Though there are a lot of mates as mobile games, Tamagotchi revived our memories that it is entering the mobile gaming market again with its own brand. Probably playing the game for the generation reminiscent of Tamagotchi would be a bit absurd, but it was excited to see at least the next generations of us to develop the sense of responsibility. The game has not been released to the market yet, but you can click on the link for more information. What are you thinking?