Rules of Survival: Mobile Alternative to PUBG

The Rules of Survival mobile game has appeared for iOS and Android. The PUBG-like game, which has reached the success of being the most played game of the world in the last period, allows you to fight up to 120 people at the same time with its huge map.

Rules of Survival: Mobile Alternative to PUBG

The Rules of Survival
Of course, the experience of playing FPS with the touchscreen is not as easy as it is on a PC. However, if you still want to experience the PUBG experience to spend time on the bus, this game may be a good option.

The Rules of Survival, both on the iOS and Android platforms, is listed for free.
Rules of Survival: Mobile Alternative to PUBG
There is not much to tell about the gameplay mechanics. As you are at the same PUBG, you are on a huge map with hundreds of different players and you are trying to be the only survivor. The game offers the possibility to play up to 120 people at the same time.