New Year Message from Half-Life's Mysterious Character G-Man

The secretive character of the Half-Life games, G-man, made an impression on fans in the new year. In his message, G-man flag that he will come back with his dreadful voice.

Behind the profound and secretive voice of G-man, voice entertainer Mike Shapiro posted another video on Twitter on Monday. The half-life G-man, who we know as the suits behind Black Mesa's test program, gives a dull New Year message.
New Year Message from Half-Life's Mysterious Character G-Man
A large portion of Life's notable characters in the New Year's message says, "Should old companions be overlooked? After an excessive amount of time has passed, a few things might be hard to recollect. See you in the new year. Also, ... prepare for the outcomes ..." While tuning in to the message, we can feel an awful smile on G-man's face.

Hearing G-man's voice again following 12 years, albeit compromising and terrifying, the 'results' he referenced might be uplifting news for Half-Life fans. The marvel in suits can come back to our reality again and the message posted gives certainty now. The message appears to allude to Half-Life: Alyx, the VR game after the long quiet of Valve's Half-Life arrangement.

Message from Half-Life's Mysterious Character G-Man for the New Year 2020

G-man, in a scene in the Opposing Force, "I concede that I appreciate the survivors who adjusted and made due, in spite of everything. They help me to remember myself." he said. Perhaps 2020 could be his year with Half-Life Alyx. Following quite a while of aching, the new game will be discharged in March in Steam.

Half-Life: Alyx is controlled by Valve's SteamVR programming and will be good with all VR earphones running on the PC, including Valve Index, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality. Valve's Index VR glasses will be offered to players complimentary game, Steam opened to pre-request from 82 pounds.
