Gamer Truck Driver's Setup

Gamers will play anywhere anytime. On mobile phones, on consoles or on the truck.

Here is the gamer truck driver's setup who uploaded the photo to Reddit.

Gamer Truck Driver's Setup
This post has over 50k upvotes in a half-day and getting more and more.

Here you can read some of the top comments below:

  • Just wanted to comment myself and say thank you for all the kind comments and questions. It gets kind of lonely on the road and it's cool to have some people to talk to! :)
  • Do you like playing American Truck Simulator? (actually curious)
  • What do you do for internet?
  • Let the money roll in now XD nothing can stop you except maybe some lot lizards.
  • Friends of the road bubs.
Gamers will game every time.


