How much internet does Heavy Metal Machines consume?

We can play games all day all night if we had a chance. Seeing that, those people want to play Heavy Metal Machines created by Hoplon Infotainment. Do you have 6 other users on your wi-fi and they pass 18 images in a second on the Instagram morning, noon, and night. You will have 775 ping in addition to you will want to destroy your MacBook. We analyzed what amount of mobile data does Heavy Metal Machines consume for the people who curious.

You can download and play Heavy Metal Machines from Steam for free.
How much internet does Heavy Metal Machines consume

People who love games know that Heavy Metal Machines is a successful game in the MOBA class.

Custom and Ranked Games

One custom and the ranked game will last around 15 minutes and it will consume around 35 Mbs.

Make sure you have the all updates for the games before connecting with a limited megabyte as wi-fi. Otherwise, you might face some surprises. Tell your friends that you share your mobile data the same. Smartphones determine the mobile hotspots as wireless connection and they might be suitable for app updates.

1 hour gameplay of Heavy Metal Machines will consume 35 Mb mobile internet.

If you play 1 hour during a day,  you will consume 1050 Mb internet in a month.

If you addicted to this game and you play 2 hours a day, you will consume 2100 Mb in a month.

We will update this post while we increase our tests. You can also share your experiences about internet data consumption of Heavy Metal Machines these days, don't forget to share your results under this article. 
