Hyper Scape Beginner's Guide and Reviews

Battle royale, battle royale, battle royale … Let those who are interested in the genre (although sometimes I feel like there are no people left who haven’t played battle royale), even lovers of the genre will say, “Again? ” says. I can understand the constant gaming in a popular genre, after all, these companies are doing business and pursuing profit. Well, you would appreciate that this is not the first case of “making the popular game genre continuous game” that has happened to us. For example, survival games and MOBAs come to my mind immediately, even without straining my mind. With the MOBA movement that LoL and Dota fired, everyone, big and small, released a MOBA game. So much so that we even saw a DC MOBA with his Batman, Superman. But no matter how much it has been, LoL and Dota are still incredibly dominant when it comes to MOBA, and others are in the spotlight.

Hyper Scape beginners guide

The interesting thing is that there was not such an overwhelming “dominance” situation for the genre of battle royale that was born out of survival games. Yes, we saw good games, bad games as well. But at the end of the day, people did not gather in a single game and continue to play various battle royale games. When it comes to battle royale, it is possible that PUBG, Fortnite, CoD: Warzone, Apex Legends, H1Z1, and even Minecraft: Hunger Games, one of the most primitive of the genre, come to mind. Well, with the relatively quick consumption of battle royale, people can actually play more than one battle royale. It may seem like I’m going astray right now by talking about the genre itself, but what I mean is actually not one or two that Hyper Scape rivals, but at worst five or six games. When this is the case, Hyper Scape has to put different gameplay elements in the middle to distinguish itself from other games and to draw its line sharply.

The game presented itself (?)

Hyper Scape ‘ The cinematic trailer they showed at Ubisoft Forward greeted me when I first opened. Evolving from pizza courier drones that cannot fly, to even cows to wear VR goggles to increase efficiency, humanity creates a simulated battle royale event called Hyper Scape when it develops on technology and especially on the hologram. Unlike another battle royale, in Hyper Scape it is very important to capture the crown rather than just stay to the end.

Of course, I was not very impressed because I saw this cinematic trailer before, but it is still a small thing if they say “Here you jump, then you shoot each other” The detail is nice though. But my real surprise was that after the trailer was over, the artificial intelligence that addressed me as a Participant asked me to create a virtual identity. Because when I looked at each virtual identity presented to me, there was a detailed character story, from their race to their income status, to who they had a social relationship with, to what they searched the internet most. Considering that Hyper Scape is not hero-based like Apex Legends, such a detailed screen made me think for a moment that there was a concern to explain the game itself. As a matter of fact, I have seen that this “season” logic, which is now famous not only in battle royale but also in all games, is named as the Basic Principle. But after passing the education section, all these narratives suddenly became worthless. Of course, I know this will happen, but the “Or is it a battle royale game that tells about itself and its universe?” I cannot say I did not like your illusion either.

Got Hack'ed!

After this small fake the game threw at me, I felt ready to throw myself directly into the arms of the conflict. Because the tutorial part is designed for you to try each weapon and hack, and you can understand how all the mechanics work at least. For example, I learned from the education department that there was no wall running in such a future-themed game, although I was a little disappointed…

Hyper Scape hacks

Speaking of hacks, These hacks may be the most differentiating issue for Hyper Space. I said that Hyper Scape is not hero-based like Apex Legends. But that doesn’t mean you don’t use talent. The abilities called a hack, which you provide as if you were a weapon loot, are nice additions that allow you to make games. In addition, since it is not hero-based, everyone can choose from this hack pool, or whichever one they want to use. There are currently 11 hacks in the game, these are Wall, Mine, Invisibility, Magnet, Reveal, Heal, Durability, Sphere, Teleportation, Shockwave, and Impact.

For example, the Wall is used to build a very high wall on the part you have specified, while the Impact rises from the ground and allows you to damage it by hitting it with your fist. There are two aspects to these hacks that I love very much: first, they can combo better with each other than I thought. For example, with Teleport and Impact hacks, I can get out of a conflict where I have little life in an incredibly comfortable way. Or, with the help of the Orb and Stamina hacks, I can perform a relatively tank gameplay. In fact, it is not surprising that hacks work in a coordinated way, I admit that. But even for battle royale, which is the “whatever it takes” genre, the ridiculous combinations work better than I thought.

Secondly, you can use most of them as offensive or defensive if you want. How would you like to use invisibility: to get rid of the enemy that is shooting at you, or to sneak up on your enemy and take him down with a shotgun? Reveal, completely defensive like the Wall; Although there are completely offensive hacks such as Mine and Shockwave, you can easily shape your gameplay style as you wish. What makes this happen is that each player can actually carry two hacks at the same time. Using the style you want, and with various combos, hacks allow you to do something even if you do not have decent items. Arguably, the craziest aspect of a battle royale game is to be killed by a person equipped with the best and powerful weapons as soon as you hit the ground when you have nothing to do. Here hacks prevent this too. With a gun in your hand, when you have an automatic rifle in front of you, you can escape from it, and even if you can use the map well, you can even make a game and equalize it. This prevents the player from giving up and keeps him in the game. I think it’s a very stylish addition.

Hyper Scape is not a place to come and sleep!

The conflict dynamics and mechanics of Hyper Scape made me feel as if I had been playing this game for forty years. So, when I heard that Hyper Scape included vertical conflicts, I was a little nervous, but it didn’t come out as I feared. The map is filled to the brim with structures such as buildings and sculptures. It is really important to go on rooftops, jump, jump, and I have never found this dynamic style of play odd. When an unusual radar system is involved, one must always be vigilant. In other words, Hyper Scape is not a game in which you can sit and win easily. When the crown system is involved, this dynamism increases tenfold, so it does not reward a static gameplay style. Although this is a negative feature for some, it is a huge plus for me. Because we are playing games, so let’s be a little active.

However, things can get Arabian hair when a few unbalanced guns and hacks are involved. The “imbalance” issue is unfortunately a critical issue for Hyper Scape. It will be fixed with updates, but leave the beta process aside, so nobody tested the game ?! Some weapons are powerful, some weapons are even more powerful, some hacks are so powerful that it seems like you just want to prefer them. You will appreciate that this inevitably undermines the dynamic flow the game wants to create. For example, snipers. I’ve encountered less in the console version, but in the PC version, many people can go over a roof and throw a single bullet into your head from a place you never expected. It’s not a big problem if it hits in a normal hot conflict or from inside a building, but it is very annoying that it kicks you directly from the roof. Another example: Minigun. The game is literally crushing, extremely powerful. Or to give an example of hacks, Durability provides such an increase in armor (that is, you are actually immune to bullets and do not take damage) that literally stops that hot and mobile combat. Of course, your hand does not collect pears, you can change positions using another hack, but that still does not mean that the conflict does not hurt.

Hyper Scape reviews

Despite all these imbalanced elements, I think the conflicts in Hyper Scape are quite exciting. Even if I am in a one-on-one struggle, I wouldn’t exaggerate if I say my heart is fluttering. Get in with the shotgun, shoot it, alas, let me use my healing hack, I have run out of bullets, I have to go on with an automatic rifle, it started to escape When I say, “ Close the gap with the sphere ”, you do not even understand how this sequence went through. As a matter of fact, in team conflicts, dynamism turns into a riot, but this is not a riot in the form of “whose hand is in whose pocket”, it is an easily understood revel in what and how. Because it is officially player-friendly with its easy readability. It is easy to see who comes from the enemy and who comes from a friend.

I am looking for you everywhere…

Usually in a battle royale to get the player to constantly search for something There is a “rarity” level. For example, you start the game with a common weapon and continue with a weapon of legendary rarity. Also, armor and health modifiers keep you looking for something. Hyper Scape does not have these but still manages to get the player into search. It provides this with the philosophy “If you find it from the same weapon or the same hack, its level will increase”. There are upgrades such as increasing the magazine capacity of a weapon you already own, shortening the recharge time of the hack. Of course, it is also possible to find fully reinforced material directly.

It is a fact that this system provides comfort in terms of using the weapons you want. For example, you may have to use a weapon you do not want to use in other battle royale games just because it turned out to be legendary. However, since there is no rarity level in Hyper Scape, you can continue to search for the weapon you have at hand. Although it sounds like a really nice feature at first, if you manage to get a fully reinforced weapon from events, “Is this or what should I buy?” Whether you want to or not, you are entering the dilemma. Especially if you are someone who is not able to play sniper like me. : P

For my crown, by my crown

Battle royale’s “quick consumable” I said that they are preferred because they are. Hyper Scape comes up with Crown Rush that further accelerates this consumption. The logic is pretty simple. Whoever manages to hold the crown for 45 seconds, that person or team wins the game. It should be added that by killing the person holding the crown, the crown can be dropped. Crown Rush is now where things get hot. Almost every player in the narrowest area of ​​the map has to be active there.

If you ask what the Crown Rush provides, it enables you to win the game without killing a single opponent. At this first stage, it might seem to contradict with the information that I have stated for the game that “dynamic gameplay is not a game you can win by sitting”, but on the contrary, it is supportive. Crown Rush adds to that movement, and especially when you’re holding the crown, you’re officially releasing adrenaline. But I want to point out that Crown Rush is not the only way to win the Hyper Scape. The old way to kill everybody and be the last person is also written as a victory for your household.

It would be strange if I saw the Crown Rush in a non-Hyper Scape battle royale. Especially in a relatively slow and slow game like PUBG, such an add-on would be absurd. But it suits the Hyper Scape very well. I already said how important hopping is jumping. Also, let them not touch your pleasure when the strengthened hacks and the mobility they add are involved.

Events and revivals

I have always explained the points where Hyper Scape is different, why it is trying to be different, and how they feed these differences into the game in a good way. Now I’m going to talk about design choices that I don’t like to be different. In fact, I would like to deepen it a little more, even though the spot has addressed what issues I have trouble with, you will appreciate.

The first thing I don’t like is events. During the game, activities that take a very short time such as fast refreshing, extra-strong chests, and the ability to jump higher welcome us. It is good as an idea, but I think it is not that successful in practice. Because it’s based on too much luck. I won many conflicts, which I almost triumphed, either by suffering from the advantages of the events, or they turned against me and lost. Particularly, the ballot box activity is a complete nuisance. As I was running towards the chest closest to me, the chest that officially fell to the bottom of the opponent would have given my opponent a full-strength Striking hack that he crushed me right there.

Hyper Scape tips and tricks

It is nice to add new mechanics to the genres, of course, that new genres are born from a game genre. But I think it is very confusing that the basic game design concepts that almost everyone is familiar with are changing. I pick up a fallen teammate at the place where it fell or where it crawled and reassured itself and the event is over. If I hit all the red barrels, it will explode. But Hyper Scape preferred the Echo system instead. Although it is nice that my deceased teammate can still walk around and report the opponent’s position and number when necessary, I found it quite boring for me to prepare a recovery point for him and enter him and wait for me. Although my friends with whom I played with expressed that they like this system because they are more competitive, unfortunately, I could not join them …

I love the optimized game

The game is on both PC and PS4. I played well. Although I chose the PC for reasons such as visuals and high FPS at first, I performed really badly because I was a gamer not used to keyboard/mouse controls. Then, with my patience over, “This is not the case, I cannot enter the top 50 yet.” I decided to play on the console and witnessed that Hyper Scape works very well on consoles. I can’t tell you how happy I was to get 60 FPS even on PS4, as well as making me experience this steadily. We also know that there is a special optimization for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. When it comes to battle royale, it is not necessary to name it, but the optimization of some games with the initial letter PUBG has now become a joke, and optimization is now an important criterion.

In addition to the optimization, details such as visuality and art design are also very nice. The use of triangular details while demolishing a region is relatively cliché for a future story, but I loved it. I also officially fell in love with the animations of getting the guns back in hand. By the way, it is a big plus that the game has many language support, it is a completely different pleasure to play in your native language.

It is no longer difficult to access in your own language and free-to-play battle royale, of course, but those who are more active, restless, have a strong atmosphere, and expect a different gameplay style during the conflict can try Hyper Scape without hesitation.
