How much internet Mb data does Lords Mobile consume 2021?

We can play games all day all night if we had a chance. Therefore, those people want to play Lords Mobile created by IGG.COM. You might need to use your mobile hotspot all the time. You will have 400 pings as well as you will want to destroy your computer. We tested how much mobile internet that Lords Mobile consumes for the people who curious.

You can download the game for both Android and iPhone devices. Lords Mobile also released for PC devices on Steam last year.

Lords Mobile data consumption, internet Mb usage

People who love games know that Lords Mobile is a pretty good product in the strategy style. It is a 2D based game but has also 3D animations.
How much internet Mb data does Lords Mobile consume?
You will jump on a map and play against other people. You can also join clans and fight together. It will consume around 32 Mb of internet data in an hour.

You should close all the update process in order to have those results if you use a limited mobile internet as wi-fi. Otherwise, you might face some surprises. Tell your friends that you share your mobile data the same. Smartphones determine the mobile hotspots as wireless connection and they might be suitable for app updates.

Let's make some calculations here now:

Spending 1 hour on Lords Mobile will consume 9 Mb mobile data.

That means when you play 1 hour daily,  you will consume 270 Mb bandwidth in a month.

If you addicted to this game and you play 2 hours a day, you will consume 540 Mb in a month.

This game is pretty addictive and you may spend much more time on this. You can make other calculations according to your gameplay.

You can also share your experiences with us in the comment section below. We will update the results as we test the Lords Mobile lately, don't forget to share it with us below. Is Lords Mobile pay to win for you?



  2. It seems to have changed in June 2021.
    Looks like it has tripled now on my phone.


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